Congressional Hearing on Prostate Cancer - March 4th, 2010

Oversight and Government Reform Committee

March 4, 2010

10:00 am

?Prostate Cancer: New Questions About Screening and Treatment?

Invited witnesses include:

Carolyn J.M. Best, Ph.D., Program Manager, Prostate Cancer Research Program, Department of Defense, U.S. Army Medical Research and Material Command, Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs

Otis W. Brawley, M.D., Chief Medical Officer, American Cancer Society.

William L. Dahut, M.D., Senior Investigator, National Cancer Institute, Medical Oncology Branch and Affiliates

Theodore L. DeWeese, M.D., Professor of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences, Professor of Urology, Professor Oncology, Chairman, Radiation Oncologist-in-Chief, Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins Hospital

Thomas Farrington, President and Founder, Prostate Health Education Network, Inc.

Betty Gallo co-founder of Women Against Prostate Cancer (her husband, the late Congressman Dean A. Gallo, died of the disease in 1994).

Dr. Steven G. Kaminsky, Ph.D., Vice President for Research and Director of Research Administration, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Center for Prostate Disease Research (CPDR)

James L. Mohler, M.D., Associate Director and Senior Vice President for Translation Research, Chair, Department of Urologic Oncology, Department of Urology at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute

Faina Shtern, M.D., President and Chief Executive Officer, AdMe Tech Foundation

The Hon. Andrew Young, former Mayor of Atlanta and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations

The purpose of the hearing is to examine the following basic questions:

What is the current view of prostate cancer screening?

What are the research needs and what?s on the horizon for innovations?

Are we doing everything necessary to solve this problem?

What can we learn from prostate cancer survivors and victims?

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