Headlines / News Show Archive 
Secure your Spot: Dallas Prostate Cancer Community Rally
PHEN is holding its Prostate Cancer Community Rally at Cedar Crest Church of Christ on Saturday, March 1.  This hybrid event will feature FREE Screenings, Educational Programs and Lunch. 

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Congresswoman Crockett: "Black Men Over 40 Need to Get Prostate Cancer Screenings"

“If you or someone you love is a man over 40, now is the time to get screened for prostate cancer,” said Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (D-TX). “Early detection saves lives. Getting diagnosed early saved my dad’s life and it can save yours, too.”

Watch Passionate Message

PHEN Peer-Reviewed Clinical Trials Study Published by AUA

PHEN’s peer-reviewed manuscript titled Identification of Factors Affecting the Accrual of Black Males Into Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials in the United States was published in the American Urological Association’s (AUA) Urology Practice journal on January 1, 2025. 

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PHEN Supports Senators Boozman and Booker PSA for HIM Act
US Senators John Boozeman (R-AR) and Cory Booker (D-NJ) introduced legislation to expand insurance coverage for prostate cancer screenings. 

Read Press Release
Charlotte Community Connections Podcast Interview
PHEN’s Marketing Director Tomeeka Miller and Dr. Antonio “Tony” Knox, 40th Grand Basileus of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Share Stories of Prostate Cancer Survivorship

 Listen Here
Charlotte Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally Agenda
On Saturday, January 25th, PHEN will be at the Little Rock AME Zion Church for a day of free prostate cancer screenings, lunch and educational programs.   Here is the agenda as well as the recorded messages.

Knowledge About Treatment Options is Important
Dr. Manish Damani explains why Black men need to seek prostate cancer treatment options. 

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Reignite the Flame and Rediscover Your Passion After Prostate Cancer
Watch PHEN Director Dr. Keith Crawford and Harvard Medical School’s Dr. Sharon Bober Discuss Love and Intimacy During Prostate Cancer Survivorship

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Bishop Urges Early Detection Screening
Bishop Darryl Starnes Sr. urges Black men to see early detection screening to put an end to the prostate cancer racial disparity. 

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Rev. Dr. Derrill Blue Joins Disparity Rally
Rev. Dr. Blue explains early prostate cancer detection is personal to him, as his grandfather is a prostate cancer survivor. 

Watch Recording
PHEN Announces Next Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally
PHEN is happy to announce their next Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally will be held in Charlotte, NC in January culminating with a hybrid event complete with free prostate cancer screenings.  Read More
Expanding Access to Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials with the Find Your Trial (FYT) Tool
PHEN Director of Clinical Trials and Patient Education Dr. Keith Crawford spoke about the improved Find Your Trial (FYT) search tool, showing patients and survivors how to find prostate cancer clinical trials they may be eligible for. 

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PHEN's Monthly Managing Survivorship Meetings Made an Impact in 2024

PHEN hosted 10 monthly hybrid webinars as part of our Managing Survivorship support group every second Wednesday at 6:00 PM ET in 2024. These meetings have included live speakers ... Read More

PHEN Holds Successful 20th Annual African American Prostate Cancer Disparity Summit

PHEN has now held 20 successful yearly summits every September (i.e. Prostate Cancer Awareness Month) since 2004 with more than 50 different sponsors and more than 400 speakers, panelists, and moderators. The mission of these summits... Read More 

PHEN Church Partnership Initiative Onboards More than 200 Churches Nationwide

PHEN has successfully registered more than 200 churches countrywide as part of its 2024 Church Partnership Educational Outreach Initiative. Since its founding in 2003, PHEN has partnered with more than ... Read More

PHENTrials.com Clinical Trials Breakthrough
PHENTrials.com has been enhanced to allow prostate cancer patients to identify clinical trials for their specific diagnosis based on where they live in the United States. 

Read Newsletter for more information. 
Take Control and Reclaim your Sexual Vitality after Prostate Cancer
Navigating life after prostate cancer therapy can be challenging, especially when it comes to sexual health. If you are experiencing issues, you are not alone. Watch video for understanding and healing.
PHEN Expands Access for Prostate Cancer Patients
PHEN has launched an enhanced PHENTrials.com which provides prostate cancer patients access to clinical trial information based on their specific diagnoses and locations throughout the United States.  Read More
PHEN is on a Mission
PHEN Ambassadors have truly stepped up, participating in over 85 events nationwide to promote prostate cancer awareness and education.

Read More: https://conta.cc/3YNcLkY 
DC Mayor Signed Amendment Act
Mayor Muriel Bowser has signed the Prostate Cancer Screening Amendment Act allowing Washington DC men to get prostate cancer screenings without out-of-pocket costs. 

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PHEN Launches New Online Precision Medicine Site
This new website provides information on personalized prostate cancer treatment, genomic testing for prostate cancer patients, targeted therapy, clinical trials and molecular diagnostics.
Black Health Matters Hosting Fall 2024 Health Summit and Expo
PHEN church partner, Friendship West Missionary Baptist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina is hosting a health summit with free health screenings available on Saturday, November 16 from 8:45-3:30.  

More Information and Registration
Brothers Bring Prostate Cancer Trauma to Awareness Via Television
The Merriweather Brothers are on a collaborative mission to educate black men about prostate cancer myths, challenges and their personal health journey as prostate cancer survivors.
PHEN Ambassador Honored
The Moffitt Cancer Center recognized Retired Air Force Major Barney Morris on Veteran’s Day in 2024 for 20 years of service to the nation and his dedication to educating men on prostate cancer awareness.
Industry Perspective on Making Prostate Cancer a Chronic Disease
Top representatives from the pharmaceutical sector participated in a panel discussion about the industry perspective on making prostate cancer a chronic condition.

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Urologist on Prostate Cancer Tests

Dr. Mark Pomerantz, a medical oncologist from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, provided a presentation about prostate cancer screening.

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The Important Role of PHEN’s Survivor Network Outreach Panel Discussion
Participants gave their thoughts at a panel discussion about The Important Role of PHEN’s Survivor Network Outreach

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Faith Based Church Partnership

At the 2nd session of the 2024 Summit, three panelists participated in a panel discussion about PHEN’s Faith Based Church Partnership Initiative.

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The Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally 4-Year Progress and Accomplishments and Future Directions
A panel discussion about the progress behind PHEN’s Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally took place at the 2nd session of the 2024 Summit.

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Presenting PHEN’s 20 Years of Summits - Part 2
PHEN’s 20 years of summits details the topics covered and speakers present during the 2010 – 2014 summits. 

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Five Elements of Advocacy
Rev. Blane Newberry, PHEN Ambassador and Associate Pastor at the Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church, explained how to raise prostate cancer awareness and develop a strong advocacy base.

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Congressman Meeks at PHEN Summit

Congressman Gregory Meeks provided opening remarks at PHEN’s 2024 Prostate Cancer Disparity Summit.

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Prostate Cancer Policy Initiatives and Needs

PHEN Policy Coordinator Tony Hill moderated a panel discussion on prostate cancer policies.

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FIND Act to Raise Reimbursement Costs

VP Ira Goldman from Lantheus detailed the FIND Act and diagnostic imaging at PHEN’s 2024 Summit.  

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Diagnostic Costs Impact Patients

Dr. Arnav Srivastava discussed out-of-pocket costs patients face after an abnormal PSA test at PHEN’s summit.

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Why Early Detection Is a Priority?

PHEN’s Director of Clinical Trials and Patient Education Dr. Keith Crawford outlined the importance of early detection screening guidelines.

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Session One Videos Now Available
Were you unable to watch our Session One Summit live? Now you can watch all of the topics broken down by section.  Go to PHENSummit.org Session I for all video links. 
Summit Session Three Agenda
Join us on September 18th at 1:00 PM EST to hear from a urologist and industry representatives about making prostate cancer a chronic disease. Also hear from survivors on managing prostate cancer journey.  Read full agenda.

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Congratulations to our Dr. Crawford whose article "Narrowing the Diversity Gap" in Clinical Trials launched today in USA Today and on Future of Personal Health!

Session II Agenda


PHEN Community Outreach Initiatives and Their Impact. Join us on September 11 from 1 to 3:30.  This session will review the progress of these efforts based on information gathered from surveys collected during the performance of these efforts, and from community leaders.

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PHEN Hosts Prostate Cancer Rally in Chicago
Join PHEN’s Chicago Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally Town Hall Meeting at the Trinity United Church of Christ on August 14, 1-3 PM CT. 

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Black Clergy Leaders Join Chicago Disparity Rally
A powerhouse lineup of Chicago’s Black faith leaders has joined PHEN’s Chicago Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally, throughout August, featuring the voices of these prominent and well-known clergy leaders.
What is Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT)?
During the July 2024 Managing Survivorship Webinar, Dr. Alicia Morgans and Dr. Keith Crawford provided an overview of ADT, how it works and its side effect. 

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Why is Exercise Valuable for Surviving Prostate Cancer?

If you’re a prostate cancer patient, you’ve likely heard how helpful fitness is for your health. However, did you know physical fitness can help you manage the side effects of treatment? How about the best type of exercise for prostate cancer survivors?

Keep reading to find out.

PHEN Quoted in North Carolina News
PHEN was recently quoted in an article about fighting back against prostate cancer, in the Border Belt Independent newspaper. 
Congratulations to PHEN’s very own Director of Clinical Trials & Patient Education Dr. Keith Crawford for his spotlight in the 2024 Cancer Health 25 feature, which highlights investigators and leaders in the clinical trial space. 

Men's Health Week

It is Men's Health Week and research shows that, with a focus on exercise and diet, you can reduce your risk of prostate cancer or improve disease management. We sat down with PHEN Ambassador Tony Hill to talk about the benefits of exercise and eating a plant-based diet.

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Prominent Florida Pastor Takes to Airwaves for PHEN
Early detection screening is essential for beating prostate cancer, explains Rev. Dr. Julius McAllister in an awareness message for Florida Disparity Rally. Visit PHENPSA.com to learn about early detection. 
Mayo Clinic Doctor Urges Black Men to Visit PHENPath.com
Black men die at a rate two times higher from prostate cancer than White men. As part of Florida Disparity Rally, Dr. Folakemi Odedina from the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center advises visiting PHENPath.com.
Prostate Cancer is a Crisis for Blacks says PHEN President
Prostate cancer is a crisis in African American communities, says PHEN President and Founder Thomas Farrington. Visit PHENPSA.com for life-saving information. 

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How Exercise Impacts Prostate Cancer Survivorship
On May 8th, PHEN and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute hosted a Managing Survivorship Meeting for prostate cancer patients emphasizing the importance of exercise.
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PHEN Presents New Church Strategies
PHEN recently hosted a panel discussion at the 30th Anniversary Retreat for the AME Sons of Allen. Over 150 men attended the retreat where the theme was “No Man Left Behind.”

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Tony Hill, Former Florida State Senator, Prostate Cancer Survivor

"Knowledge about treatment options is key," said former Florida state senator, Tony Hill.

Watch the video. 

SOA AMEC Leader Says Early Detection is Key
"Knowledge about treatment options is key," said former Florida state senator, Tony Hill. Watch the video. 
Florida Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally
Throughout the month of May, PHEN is teaming up with policymakers, health advocates, survivors, and church leaders for its Florida Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally. 
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Managing Prostate Cancer Survivorship - April
Drs. Keith Crawford and Dr. Robert Bridwell discussed the benefits and importance and of PSMA  PET imaging in Prostate Cancer Recurrence Monitoring.  

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Clinical Trials News and Updates
The monthly newletter featured a story about prostate cancer survivor Art Cain, the Panther Clinical Trial, and a registration link for an upcoming clinical trial learning session with MSKCC. 

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The Road Ahead: Managing Recurrence in Prostate Cancer
On March 13, 2024, PHEN held its monthly Managing Survivorship Webinar and Meeting via an in-person audience at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and an online audience on Zoom.

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Managing Prostate Cancer Survivorship
Join PHEN every second Wednesday of each month for a prostate cancer survivorship meeting. 

Next month:
Wednesday, May 8th at 6pm. 

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Jackson Mississippi Town Hall Meeting
Did you miss the Jackson Mississippi Town Hall Meeting,

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Managing Prostate Cancer Survivorship
Did you miss the February Survivorship Meeting? Checkpoint Proteins, Treatment Options and a patient story. 

Watch Now. 
Jackson Mississippi Leaders Join PHEN Rally
Eighteen well-known Jackson, Mississippi leaders stepped up to participate in the Jackson prostate cancer disparity rally.

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Jackson Disparity Rally Messages
Watch disparity rally messages from Jackson, MS leaders.  

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Black veterans open up about prostate cancer screening after Lloyd Austin revelation
After Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was discharged from Walter Reed Hospital early Monday after being diagnosed with prostate cancer, PHEN Ambassador Claude Bright in Fayetteville area opened up about their own journeys with the disease. 
Jackson, MS Disparity Rally Mobilized Leaders
Hinds County Sheriff Tyree Jones is one such leader who emphasized that Black men need to learn about early detection screening to beat prostate cancer.

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Urologist Dr. Lionel B. Fraser Speaks Out
Dr. Fraser speaks out about the prostate cancer crisis in Black communities on behalf of the Jackson, MS Disparity Rally.

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PHEN Ambassador Jerry Knight
A nine-year prostate cancer survivor, has spearheaded the planning of the Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally in Jackson, Mississippi. 

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Dr. Timothy Quinn has helped many prostate cancer patients.
As part of the Jackson MS Disparity Rally, Dr. Quinn advises men to obtain early prostate cancer screenings. 

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Jackon Police Chief Joseph Wade Joins Disparity Rally

Chief Wade advises men to gain knowledge about early prostate cancer detection by visiting PHENPSA.com. 

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Patient Story: Mr. Charles "Chuck" Christian
PHEN Survivor Network Member Mr. Charles “Chuck” Christian did not let that a prediction define his future. He was first diagnosed in 2016 and, with the help of clinical trials, Mr. Christian is still here today. He shared his personal prostate cancer journey with PHEN. 
Educating Men on Early Detection at Community Events
To spread prostate cancer awareness throughout the county, PHEN ambassadors participate in many grassroots community events to share resources and information. Ambassador Mr. Jerry Womack of Charlotte, North Carolina participated in three separate events ...Read More
PHEN Ambassador Brings Prostate Cancer Awareness to Tampa

What are the side effects of prostate cancer screening and prostate cancer treatments? PHEN Ambassador Mr. Barney Morris of Tampa, Florida answered this question and presented vital information about prostate cancer ...Read More

PHEN Highlights 2023 Programs
PHEN would like to provide thanks to those who have helped in our efforts to make 2023 a truly successful year. In our latest newsletter, we have highlighted our biggest accomplishments over the last year, ranging from our Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally to a new church partnership. Take a look below and enjoy the joyous holiday season! 
Prostate cancer survivor shares his journey
Prostate cancer survivor shares his journey through treatments and successful participation in a clinical trial which could benefit others.

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Can lifestyle changes impact prostate cancer?
While on active surveillance, this survivor changed his eating and exercise pattern and wants other Black men to know about the impact it could have.

Watch his story
Can a plant-based diet help prostate cancer?
This prostate cancer survivor certainly believes so.  He went from receiving end-of-life care to showing no signs of prostate cancer within two months of a strict whole-food, plant-based diet.  Hear his story here:
Newly FDA Approved Prostate Cancer Diagnostics and Therapeutics
Medical Directors and a Liaison from five major pharmaceutical companies discussed the newest FDA-Approved prostate cancer diagnostics and therapeutics available now.   

Watch now: 
Strategies to Diversify Participation in Clinical Trials
Biopharmaceuticals and healthcare organizations have essential personnel devoted to closing gaps in clinical trial disparities.

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Houston TX Prostate Cancer Virtual Town Hall Meeting
PHEN held a virtual meeting with several people from the Houston area to discuss ways to promote prostate cancer awareness messages.  Collaborating between organizations and engaging people on a grassroots level will help quickly spread the word about early detection screening.   Watch Now
Jerry Knight: Prostate Cancer Survivor Story
A prostate cancer survivor shares his story about his father and his own journey to become cancer-free.

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Sherman Womack: Prostate Cancer Survivor Shares
A prostate cancer survivor shares his eighteen-year journey from being first diagnosed, through chemotherapy and then beginning a clinical trial.

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PHEN Hosts Learning Session with MSKCC
On July 26, 2023, PHEN partnered with the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) for an informative Clinical Trials Learning Session with Dr. Andrew Laccetti as the main speaker.  Learn about clinical trials by watching the video now. 

Clinical Trial Successes and Missed Opportunities
Dr. Richard Lee outlines ways investigators can increase diversity in clinical research, such as addressing barriers to inclusion and translating documents into other languages.

Early Detection Screening is Essential Says Rev. Dr. Timothy Sloan
Black men get diagnosed with prostate cancer at earlier ages and die at more than twice the rate of all other men. Screening at age 40 is essential for the African American community.  Rev. Sloan recorded a prostate cancer awareness message as part of the Houston Disparity Rally.
Dr. Curtis Pettaway Joins Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally
Dr. Pettaway hopes to spread knowledge and awareness as well as mobilize leaders to inform others on knowing your treatment options. Dr. Pettaway, is one such leader who has recorded a prostate cancer awareness message for the Disparity Rally. 

Prostate cancer survivor Mr. DeWayne Charleston
Mr. Charleston benefited from clinical trials on his journey with this disease. As part of PHEN’s Houston Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally, he recorded an awareness message about available prostate cancer clinical trials.
PHEN Survivor Network Member Profile - Brian Jones
In May 2023, Brian Jones decided to join the PHEN Survivor Network after attending an American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) conference in Orlando, FL after speaking with an advocate. 

Rev. Dr. Frederick Haynes Speaks out to raise prostate cancer awareness
Dr. Haynes is the Pastor of Friendship-West Baptist Church in Dallas, TX and President of the Rainbow Push Coalition

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Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee speaks out to raise prostate cancer awareness
Congresswoman Lee (Houston,TX D-18 ) speaks about her family history with prostate cancer
Houston, Texas Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally
The Houston prostate cancer disparity rally follows PHENs prostate cancer awareness campaign at the State Fair Classic at the Cotton Bowl in Dallas during the Prairie View A&M and Grambling Football game on September 30th.
Cotton Bowl in Dallas, TX
PHEN carried out a unique and highly successful prostate cancer awareness campaign at the Cotton Bowl in Dallas, TX during the Annual State Fair Classic on September 30, 2023.  

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Summit Sessions
You can now watch every session by topic/speaker of the 19th Annual African American Prostate Cancer Disparity Summit.

They are now available on PHENSummit.org
PSA Screening for HIM Act

The PSA Screening for HIM Act focuses on Black men and men with a family history of prostate cancer. PHEN supports this legislation, as it can help increase the rate of early detection screening.

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Watch Session One Now
Prostate Cancer Early Detection Screening - Understanding Needs and Meeting the Challenges is now available.

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Congressman Gregory Meeks
Congressman Gregory Meeks opened the 19th Annual African American Prostate Cancer Disparity Summit again in 2023 where he outlined the risks of prostate cancer in the African American community.

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PHEN Partners With The African Methodist Episcopal Church
The African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) Health Commission, and the Prostate Health Education Network (PHEN) are partnering for PHEN to provide free prostate cancer educational resources and support to AME churches. 
Can Black Men Safely Avoid Prostate Cancer Treatment?
Dr. Curtis Pettaway presented on the safety of Active surveillance for Black men diagnosed with low-risk prostate cancer at PHENs 19th Annual Summit on September 6th. 

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Visit 2023 PHEN Summit Exhibit Hall
Please visit the summit Exhibit Hall for information provided by sponsors on some of the new treatment therapies and diagnostics. 

Visit Exhibit Hall
Will Increasing Prostate Cancer Screening Eliminate the Racial Disparity for the Disease?
Dr. Yaw Nyame will present the results of a modeling study that will shed some light on this topic at PHENs 19th Annual Summit on September 6th.  

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PHEN Survivor Network Member: Jeffrey Drew
 In July 2023, prostate cancer patient Jeffrey Drew joined the PHEN Survivor Network after he spoke with his fraternity brother and PHEN Survivor Network member Johnny Richardson Jr.

Black Health Matters Health Summit
Black Lives Matter and Black Health Matters as well. That’s the message from the Black Health Matters Summit that took place on August 17th in Harlem, New York City. 
PHEN Survivor Network Member: Rev. Bobby Richardson

In May 2023, prostate cancer survivor Rev. Bobby Richardson joined the PHEN Survivor Network after speaking with PHEN Ambassador Dr. Artie Shelton at his church, the Reid Temple AME Church, in Glenn Dale, MD. 

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PHEN Survivor Network Member: Nathaniel Smith
The Survivor Network supports PHEN’s efforts to eliminate the prostate cancer racial disparity by spreading awareness and knowledge within local communities. Prostate cancer survivor Nathaniel Smith joined the PHEN Survivor Network on July 24, 2023.

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Presentation: Novel Targeted Therapy for Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer
On July 17, 2023, PHEN hosted a clinical trials webinar with Dr. Neal Shore, US Chief Medical Officer at GenesisCare USA, as the guest presenter.
PHEN Participated in FDA’s Black Family Cancer Awareness Week
On June 15, 2023, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hosted a webinar with a panel discussion to launch Black Family Cancer Awareness Week. Dr. Keith Crawford, PHEN’s Director of Clinical Trials and Patient Education, joined the webinar. 
PHEN Holds Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally Symposiums in North Carolina and Virginia

In June, PHEN hosted Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally Symposiums with its partners, the Saint Matthew Baptist Church (Raleigh, NC) and the First Baptist Church of South Richmond (Richmond, VA). Both events included educational forums and free prostate cancer early detection PSA testing.

Patient Story: Dewayne Charleston’s Clinical Trial Participation
Dewayne Charleston is a member of PHEN’s Survivor Network who was initially diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer in 2009, and became metastatic castration resistant in 2021. Despite this serious diagnosis...

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The FDA approves a new prostate cancer combination treatment based upon a successful clinical trial
The FDA recently approved TALZENNA (talazoparib) in combination with XTANDI (enzalutamide) for the treatment of adult patients with homologous recombination repair (HRR) gene-mutated (mCRPC).  Talzenna is...

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PHEN Supports TALAPRO-3 Clinical Trial
PHEN’s Clinical Trials Rally’s approach of educating Black prostate cancer patients about clinical trials, as well as strategic partnerships with pharmaceutical companies to amplify this message, is contributing to greater diversity among clinical trial participants.
The Disparity Rally Reached 10 Million People in New York, New Jersey and Philadelphia
During the month of April, PHEN’s Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally covering New York City, New Jersey, and Philadelphia reached more than 10 million people via radio and social media. 

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Disparity Rally Town Hall Meeting Very Successful
On May 9th, the rally culminated with a highly impactful town hall meeting where leaders came together to discuss strategies to address the prostate cancer crisis within their communities.  It featured a unique panel of 21 experts across church, government, industry, advocacy, and medical communities. 

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Town Hall Meeting Survey Results
A survey of the town hall meeting’s online audience showed that the meeting was an overwhelming success. 100 percent of the audience were satisfied with the participants

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Three US Congressman Recognized for their Years of Support
US Congressmen Gregory Meeks (Queens), Donald Payne Jr. (Newark) and former Congressman Edolphus Towns (Brooklyn), participated in the Disparity Rally and have supported PHEN’s efforts dating back to 2005.

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PHEN Educational Resources Highlighted
PHEN’s online patient education resources were incorporated into the awareness messages that various leaders recorded for the Disparity Rally.

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Pfizer's Global Oncology and US President Suneet Varma Joins Disparity Rally
Addresses the prostate cancer crisis with awareness message. Black men have the highest prostate cancer incidence rates in the nation. 

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Rev. Darrell Armstrong Shares His Experience (Trenton, NJ)
Raises awareness about prostate cancer early detection screening. His message for men and women comes from experience.

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Former US Congressman Edolphus Towns (Brooklyn, NY) Raises Awareness
As a prostate cancer survivor, Congressman Towns with a message about how the prostate cancer crisis is hitting Black communities around the country, and the city of New York at the highest rates. 

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American Cancer Society's Senior VP Joins Disparity Rally
Tawana Thomas-Johnson has joined PHEN to increase prostate cancer awareness in the Black communities and urges men and women to visit PHENPSA.com for early detection information.

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US Congressman Gregory Meeks also Joins PHEN's Disparity Rally
Prostate cancer involves a significant racial disparity in which Black men get diagnosed at 76 percent higher rates than all other racial and ethnic men in the United States.

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Rep. Shavonda Sumter Recorded Important Message for Disparity Rally
One in six Black men are diagnosed with prostate cancer, which is close to 80 percent higher than for White men. Watch her  describing the importance of early detection for the Black community.

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Rep. Donald Payne Jr. Joins Disparity Rally
The prostate cancer death rate for Black men is more than twice that for White men. US Congressman Donald M. Payne, Jr. (NJ-D10) sends a message discussing the prostate cancer crisis in Black men and urges men and women to visit http://www.PHENPSA.com.

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PHEN 2023 Disparity Rally Kicks Off in New Jersey in April
PHEN will launch its 2023 Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally in New Jersey in April. PHEN has held disparity rallies across 18 cities and 8 states in 2021 and 2022
New PHEN Clinical Trials Patient Education Portal
Duke Cancer Institute Learning Session
Duke Cancer Institute physicians and the Prostate Health Education Network (PHEN) present a virtual session to learn about clinical trial opportunities available at Duke.

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PHEN and Duke Cancer Institute Clinical Trials Learning Session Open for Registration

On March 20, 2023, at 5:30 PM EST, PHEN and The Duke Cancer Institute will hold a virtual learning session highlighting these clinical trial opportunities at Duke. Hear from Dr. Keith Crawford, Director of Clinical Trials and Patient Education and Drs. Daniel George and Andrew Armstrong, Clinical Trial Investigators at Duke Cancer Institute.

PHEN and Johns Hopkins Partnered to Host Highly Effective Clinical Trials Learning Session
PHEN partnered with the Johns Hopkins Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center to host a clinical trials learning session aimed at increasing the understanding and participation of Black patients in prostate cancer clinical trials.
New Prostate Cancer Therapies Set to Deliver Maximum Payload
New therapies are constantly being studied in clinical trials leading to novel treatments for patients with prostate cancer.   One example of these new technologies is the Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC).

Read Newsletter
The American Cancer Society?s 2023 Cancer Statistic Report Highlights Urgency to Address the Prostate Cancer Crisis
The prostate cancer crisis defined by the ACS 2023 Cancer Statistics Report is not a surprise for those of us that have been on the forefront of the prostate cancer early detection screening debate during the past decade. We predicted this crisis...Read More
PHEN Invited to Participate in Pivotal ACS Announcement
PHEN stood alongside ACS as it announced its commitment to reduce death rates from prostate cancer in all demographics and disparities for Black men by 2035.

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PHEN's 2022 Summit Showed High Participant Satisfaction
PHEN hosted its 18th Annual Prostate Cancer Disparity Summit, as a virtual event throughout September 2022, which was also Prostate Cancer Awareness month.

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PHEN Set to Expand Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally to New Cities in 2023
The successful Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally (PCDR)  is being expanded to additional cities and states using the same approaches that proved highly effective in 2021 and 2022.

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Supercharge your Immune System to Fight Prostate Cancers
Most cancer patients have a "depressed" immune system because the disease "weakens" their immune system.   To address this problem, scientists have developed immune boosting therapies called cancer immunotherapies. 

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PHEN Heroes
Tom Farrington recognized PHEN members of the PHEN Survivor Network who have passed but were active in efforts to outreach and support others facing prostate cancer. “Each one was a real hero!” 
"Them Bones" and the Importance of Bone Health!
Keith Crawford, MD, PhD, Director of Clinical Trials and Patient Education provides important information regarding bone health with prostate cancer.
Urinary Incontinence with Prostate Cancer Treatment
Andrew C. Peterson, MD, Urologist, Survivorship Care Surgeon, Duke University School of Medicine, reviewed a newly released analysis.       
Erectile Dysfunction: Considerations in Prostate Cancer Patients
Jeremy Tonkin, MD, Urologist, Howard University Hospital, discussed Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and the various treatments available. 
Managing Mental Health Issues With Prostate Cancer
"The anxiety, depression and fear can leak through defense mechanisms that feed sense of hopelessness" said Heather H. Goltz, PhD, MSW, Professor, University of Houston.

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Diversity of Enrollment in Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials

Dr. Elisabeth Heath - “If you look at the numbers between 1995-2014, the trials had a decrease in population of African American men from 11.3 percent to 2.8 percent. Yikes! What is happening there?” 

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Disparities in the Era of Precision Medicine
Socioeconomic disparities continue to limit access to emerging technologies for black men, according to Dr. Won Kim. 

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Lack of Black Men in Clinical Trials Denies Them Treatment
Panelists at PHEN's third summit session all agree that the lack of Black men in clinical trials denies them care and lifesaving treatment options. 

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Key Challenges Towards Eliminating the Prostate Cancer Disparity
Participants had a lively discussion about key challenges and recapped their actions to help mobilize communities into action across the country. 

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Panel discussion on Impact of pandemic on prostate cancer racial disparity
Panelists and speakers consistently emphasized the need for Black men to advocate on behalf of their own healthcare, as well as calling on wives and families to bring men to their primary care doctor. 
An Assessment of Prostate Cancer Treatment Among Black and White Patients

Adrien Bernstein, MD, MS, Urologic Oncologist, Albany Medical College presented findings showing an alarming racial disparity in prostate cancer surgery rates, with a 97% reduction in the likelihood of surgery for black patients, relative to white patients during the COVID pandemic.

PHEN Summit Session II...
...with panel on “Educating and Mobilizing African American Communities in the Fight Against Prostate Cancer”.  PHEN continued the momentum of its 18th Annual Prostate Cancer Disparity Summit...

Moderator Rev. Adrian Backus provided an overview of the prostate cancer disparity rally's objectives

We launched PHEN’s prostate cancer disparity rally to educate and mobilize communities.

See summary and Watch Video

Thomas Farrington Opens the Second Session of the Summit
We know that there must be a ground game at the grassroots level to make progress towards eliminating the prostate cancer disparity"

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Congressman Gregory Meeks Opening Summit Remarks

“It’s the job of African American men, their wives, their brothers, sisters, their aunts, their uncles, their cousins, it’s all of us, their friends, coming together to stay focused on making sure that African American men get tested.” - Congressman Gregory Meeks

PHEN Kicks off its 18th Annual African American Prostate Cancer Disparity Summit

September is prostate cancer awareness month. PHEN kicked-off the first of four summit sessions: “Understanding and Addressing the Impact of COVID-19 on the Prostate Cancer Racial Disparity.”   
This is a summary........

New Prostate Cancer Cases Increasing Faster Than Any Other Major Cancer
The ACS estimated a 30% increase in new prostate cancer cases in 2021 with an additional 8% increase for 2022 for 268,490 new cases in 2022 alone. Black men are most impacted.   Dr. Keith Crawford presented key prostate cancer statistics during summit session I...........
Racial Disparities in PSA Screening and Referrals to Urologists
Dr. David Vasir presents revealing findings from a study that included 607,000 men from a large integrated health system with 900 care locations located in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia from 2014-2019.  

Bishop Thomas Brown, Sr to Participate on Summit Session II
Bishop Brown participated in the Savannah, GA Disparity Rally and is joining the panel discussion on September 14th to discuss the impact the rally has had on his community.
Rev. Adrian Backus to Moderate Summit Session II
This session Adrian Backus, JD, MDiv, Director of Community Partnerships and Outreach will focus on educating and mobilizing communities through PHEN's prostate cancer Disparity Rallies. 

See who else will be there...
Representative Billy Mitchell Participating on Summit Session II Panel
Representative Billy Mitchell particpated in the Atlanta Ga Disparity Rally and will be joining our esteemed panel of leaders to discuss community efforts to fight against prostate cancer. 
South Carolina Town Hall Meeting Mobilizes Action

PHEN convened South Carolina Leaders and patients for a town hall meeting to discuss actions to address the state’s prostate cancer racial disparity.

In SC, prostate cancer much worse for Black men. Telling that story could save lives.
As a prostate cancer survivor and a Black man in South Carolina, Lee H. Moultrie of North Charleston said he can't be silent about it.  The news he and other advocates have to share is not good.  Read More

Dr. Byron Benton Lends Voice to PHEN's South Carolina Disparity Rally
Dr. Byron Benton, Senior Pastor at Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church raises awareness about prostate cancer early detection screening and urges people to visit PHENPSA.com for information.

Watch Now
Rep. Wendell Gilliard
South Carolina State House Representative Wendell Gilliard encourages men to know treatment options for prostate cancer. Visit www.PHENPath.com for more information.

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Prostate Cancer Patients with Advance Disease Should Consider PARP Inhibitor Therapy

In the current era of precision medicine, the development of targeted drugs has led to significant development in cancer therepeutics.  Read more about why it is recommended.   Read More

Dr. Larry J. Ferguson
Dr. Larry J. Ferguson, Former President of South Carolina Dental Association in Charleston, SC shares importance of early detection screening.

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Dr. Neal Shore, Urologist
Dr. Neal Shore, Urologist at Atlantic Urology Clinics in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina encourages men to know treatment options for prostate cancer. Visit www.PHENPsa.com for more information.

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Grant Hill - NBA Hall of Fame Player Supports South Carolina Rally
Grant Hill, NBA Hall of Fame Player and Atlanta Hawks Executive raising awareness and knowledge about prostate cancer early detection and mobilize action to eliminate the prostate cancer crisis. 

Watch Now
Clinical Trials eNewsletter
Prostate cancer is a highly inheritable disease with large disparities of incidence rates across different racial groups. It occurs when genetic changes cause cancerous cells to develop in the prostate. Genetic tests can detect these changes. 

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PHEN's Georgia Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally A Success
The Georgia Rally was hosted during the month of May.

The final report is now available.
Unleash the Power of Your Own Immune System
Clinical Trials eNews: In this newsletter, we will discuss two types of IO therapies, which are engineered to increase cancer killing efficiency. The first is Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy and a second is Bi-specific T-cell engager antibodies (BiTEs).

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PHEN Member News and Highlights
PHEN survivor network member Arnold Merriweather and his brother Erskine participated in Amgen's Every Patient Counts, Every Story Matters campaign and more news from other survivors.

Read Member News and Highlights.
South Carolina Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally Coming in July
PHEN's prostate cancer disparity rally will move to South Carolina in July where leaders and patients will join PHEN to raise awareness and mobilze ongoing educational efforts to address the disparity within SC communities.
The 18th Annual African American Prostate Cancer Disparity Summit Coming in September
PHEN will hosts its 18th Annual Summit virtually on September 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th.  Please mark your calendars nows.
Radioligand Therapy Webinar
Dr. Keith Crawford discusses basics of Radioligand Therapy and Dr. Neil Fleshner talks about the role of precision RLT in treating metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). 

Watch Now
Rep. Billy Mitchell - Georgia Rally
President of the National Black Caucus State Legislators joins PHEN in the Georgia Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally. 

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Rev. Dr. Kevin Murriel - Georgia Rally
Senior Pastor of Cascade United Methodist Church in Georgia emphasizes that prostate cancer is a crisis in Black America and encourages you to get information about early detection, treatments and clinical trials. 

Watch Now
Milton Little - Georgia Rally
Survivor and President of United Way Atlanta lends his voice to the prostate cancer disparity rally in Georgia. 

Watch Now
Bishop Thomas Brown - Georgia Rally
A prostate cancer survivor and Presiding Prelate of the CME Church, Sixth District, Georgia encourages African American men to get screened for prostate cancer. 

Watch Now.
Radioligand Therapy (RLT): Novel Targeted Prostate Cancer Management
Join PHEN on Wednesday, May 11th at 6:30pm to learn the basics of Radioligand Therapy and how it is used to treat prostate cancer.

Register Now
Meet Dr. PSA
Prostate cancer early detection screening saves lives.  Visit PHENPSA.com for Life Saving information. 
Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley Speaks about his Prostate Cancer Risk
Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley speaks about his prostate cancer risk and encourages all men to fight prostate cancer right now! 

Watch Now
Prostate Cancer News
Read our latest Prostate Cancer News and PHEN Highlights. 

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Diagnosed with prostate cancer?

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, understanding the cancer risk level is critical in choosing the right treatment. Prostate cancer can range from very low to very high risk, and treatments can range from "no treatment" to "aggressive treatment."

Understand your prostate cancer risk level here

Managing Sexual Health as a Prostate Cancer Survivor
Dr. Arthur Burnett from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine provides presentation on managing sexual health for prostate cancer patients. 

Watch Now.
Hormone Sensitive Prostate Cancer
Men with metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer (mCSPC) may qualify to participate in the TALAPRO-3 clinical trial researching a potential treatment for mCSPC with a DNA damage repair (DDR) gene alteration. Watch Now

Pastor Clifford Jones, Sr Speaking Out at the Disparity Rally
Pastor Clifford Jones, Sr., Friendship Missionary Baptist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina speaks about how Prostate Cancer is a Crisis in Black Communities.

Watch Here
US Congresswoman Alma Adams Speaking Out at the Disparity Rally
United States Congresswoman Alma Adams talks about PHEN online resources available to educate about prostate cancer. 

Watch Here
Dr. Daniel George Speaking Out at the Disparity Rally
Dr. Daniel George, Duke Cancer Institute in Durham, North Carolina speaks about importance of early detection screening for African American Men.

Watch Now

Pastor Harshaw Speaking Out at the Disparity Rally
Pastor Dumas Harshaw, Jr., PhD from First Baptist Church in Raleigh, North Carolina expresses that COVID-19 is not the only disease ravaging black men.

Watch Now
Dr. Matthew Nielsen Speaking Out at the Disparity Rally
Dr. Matthew Nielsen, UNC Lineberger Cancer Institute in Chapel Hill, North Carolina talks about knowledge in treatment options is Key.

Watch Now
A New Class of Treatment Therapies for Prostate Cancer Patients
Immune-Oncology (IO) is a type of immunotherapy which increases the ability of one’s immune system to fight cancer. 

Read More.
Exciting New Treatment Breakthroughs
Prostate cancer clinical trials using Prostate-Specific-Membrane Antigen (PSMA) are ushering in a new generation of treatment therapies and diagnostic tools offering breakthrough benefits for patients.

Read More
Barney Morris Survivor Story
PHEN Network member Barney Morris speaks about his prostate cancer journey at the American Society of Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) Annual Meeting.
Webinar: Making Clinical Trials Work For You!
Clinical trials are important treatment options all along your prostate cancer journey.

Dr. Keith Crawford presents clinical trial opportunities that are available and how to make them work for you. 
Understand Your Prostate Cancer Risk Level
Risk levels are determined by PSA Numbers, Biopsy Results, Gleason Scores, Grade Groups and Cancer Stage.
PSMA, What It Is and Why It Matters To Prostate Cancer Patients
Dr. Keith Crawford explains differences between PSA and PSMA, Dr. Michael Morris discusses successful VISION clinical trial and Dr. Michael Groaning discusses Amgen's AMG160 clinical trial. 
PHEN Survivor Network Spotlight: Phillip Frazier

It was bad enough facing the impact of a prostate cancer diagnosis in 2015, observed survivor Phillip Frazier, but the Covid-19 pandemic is adding insult to injury. 
Empower Yourself by Understanding the Challenges of Prostate Cancer

Chelsie Ferrell, PA, physician assistant with Advanced Urology Institute, presenting an overview of prostate cancer, treatments and disease progression.  PHEN's Dr. Keith Crawford is the moderator.

Daddy's Boys Episode 11: Helping a cousin diagnosed with prostate cancer
Using their knowledge as PHEN ambassadors, Daddy's Boys counsel and advise their cousin Jabari who is diagnosed with prostate cancer. 
Prostate Cancer Treatment: Importance of Clinical Trials
Elisabeth Heath, MD, FACP presented at PHEN's 17th Annual African American Disparity Summit why clinical trials are so important. 
Social Determinants of Health

Magnolia Contreras, MSW, MBA, Vice President for Community Health, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute discusses Social Determinants of Health and the Impact on the Prostate Cancer Racial Disparity

Considerations for the Management of Advanced Prostate Cancer

"New effective drugs are coming, and more data is continually needed for minority populations." Presentation by Jacob Berchuck, MD (Dana-Farber).

PHEN Community Outreach and Initiatives
Dr. Alyn Waller (Philadelphia, PA), Dr. Dwight Jones (Richmond, VA) and Mr. Donald Jones (Pennsylvania, PA) discuss PHEN's strong partnerships with churches and other community organizations.
PHEN Survey Results of Black Patients? Experiences and Perspectives on Telemedicine

Patient education is needed for telemedicine to have a major impact on eliminating the racial disparity, presented by Keith Crawford, MD, PhD

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Increased Telemedicine Use for Prostate Cancer

Telehealth has the potential to reduce racial disparity in prostate cancer; however, telehealth, like all healthcare is dependent on...

Daddy's Boys Reach out as PHEN ambassadors, and Charles Love Triangle Tightens
Junior and Uncle Bae Bae take their mission as PHEN ambassadors to the streets. Charles love triangle entanglement gets tighter.
Summit Session 4: Social Determinants of Health, Financial Toxicity, Policy Initiatives and the Racial Disparity
This sessions provides an understanding about social determinants of health, factors impacting prostate cancer racial disparity, costs of treatment and important policy initiatives. 
Summit Session 3: Enhancing Early Detection, Treatments and Clinical Trials Education
Innovative tools and approaches to enhance patient education have been launched by PHEN to facilitate informed shared decision-making by empowering patients and doctors.
Summit Session 2 Recording: Effective Prostate Cancer Community Awareness, Outreach and Engagement
Efforts to raise awareness and mobilize support within communities nationwide will be presented and discussed.  Includes doctors, patients, community and political leaders. 
Summit Session 1 Recording: What Will Be the Impact of Telemedicine? PHEN's Prostate Cancer Disparity Summit
The COVID-19 pandemic led to dramatic increases in telemedicine use to provide prostate cancer care without in-person contact risks. It is now anticipated that telemedicine will become more of a standard of care with its use continuing to grow.
Daddy's Boys become PHEN Ambassadors, and Charles faces a love triangle
Pops leads the way in becoming a PHEN ambassador during meeting with PHEN President Thomas Farrington.  Charles' old girlfriend, Loretta, returns in a professional relationship with Pepples, his new love. 
Leader Rev. Dr. Mark Whitlock Joins the Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally
Senior Pastor from Reid Temple AME Church in Glenn Dale, MD shares his experience of prostate cancer and encourages African American men to get screened.
The Cancer Health 25: Black Lives Matter
PHEN's Thomas Farrington is named as one of Cancer Health Magazine's 25 "change makers" who are fighting to break down barriers to the best cancer care for all Americans. 
African American Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally - An Update on Activities
Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia (DMV) campaign features messgaes from clergy, medical, congressional leaders and patients on radio stations and social media.
Designing Immune Cells to Hunt Down Prostate Cancer
Increasing numbers of clinical trials look at new ways to harness power of your immune system.  
Webinar: "Prostate Cancer Risk Levels & Treatment Options"
A presentation and round-table with prostate cancer survivors exploring their experiences when initially diagnosed and identifying risk levels and treatment options using PHENPath.com.
Daddy's Boys Genetic testing results, early detection and the return of Loretta
Pops gets the results of his genetic testing. The merits of early detection testing is discussed using barbershop vernacular, and Charles finds out that Loretta is coming back to town.
Church Leader Shares His Experience with Prostate Cancer
Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley, Senior Pastor at Alfred Street Baptist Church talks about his prostate cancer risk and encourages all men to fight prostate cancer right now!
Congressional Leaders Join PHEN's Prostate Cancer Disparity Rally
COVID-19 is not the only disease ravaging the black community. So is prostate cancer. Congressman Gregory Meeks, member of the U.S. Congressional Black Caucus joins PHEN in encouraging action.
Building Towards Patient-Centered Pathways
A partner organization of the Amgen Clinical Pathways initiative helps empower prostate cancer patients through PHENPath.com, the first digital treatment pathway tool of its kind. 
Black Men Have Better Outcomes with Immunotherapy Treatments for Prostate Cancer

Certain studies show greater prostate cancer survival benefits with immunotherapies for Black men compared to White men.
PHEN Network Member AJ Merriweather active in Jacksonville, FL

AJ Merriweather and his wife Callie participated in a prostate health awareness in Jacksonville, The Protalks community outreach program.
Surviving Prostate Cancer by Artie L. Shelton, MD, Veterans Health Council Director

"I know first-hand that a prostate cancer diagnosis is frightening for men and their loved ones, but you can beat this disease with early detection and learning about treatment options......."

Webinar: "Understanding Where You Are On Your Prostate Cancer Journey"
This March 31 webinar featured a patient roundtable discussion with prostate cancer survivors Sherman Womack, Dewayne Charleston, Henry Turner and Dr. Keith Crawford as moderator.
Recommendations seek to reduce racial bias in cancer care

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network and National Minority Quality Forum have released a series of recommendations aimed at improving equity in cancer care. 
Understand Your Prostate Cancer Risk Level

Risk levels are determined by PSA Numbers, Biopsy Results, Gleason Scores, Grade Groups and Cancer Stage.
Farrington Supports Dana-Farber's COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach

Appears in Video focused on communities of color
The Biden Administration Must Increase Access to Prostate Cancer Care for Black Men
PHEN PresidentThomas Farrington urges the Biden Administration to prioritize increasing access to prostate cancer care for Black men in the fight towards health equity. 
Rev. Dr. Henry Davis Public Service Announcement

Rev. Dr. Henry Davis, III, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Highland Park Church in Maryland introduces PHEN.
Dr. Arthur Burnett, MD Public Service Announcement

PSA Announcement from Dr. Arthur Burnett, Urologist / Professor at James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute, John Hopkins Unviersity
Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials and Genetic Testing

1 in 6 prostate cancers are caused by an inherited genetic mutation.
Increasing Enrollment of Underrepresented Populations in Clinical Trials

Society of Urologic Oncology in conjunction with the Young Urologic Oncologists . (UroToday.com) 
Medical Experts, Patients and Industry Leaders Discuss Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials

By: Dr. Keith Crawford
PHEN Director of Clinical Trials and Patient Education

Treatment Pathways and Treatment Options Information for Prostate Cancer Patients and Loved Ones

PHENPath.com is now available to empower patients and their loved ones to make informed and shared-decisions with doctors.
Effective Community Outreach and Engagement Strategies

By:  Rev. Adrian Backus
PHEN Director of Community Outreach and Engagement

Survivor Network Spotlight: Nathanial Porter

The COVID-19 virus -- and fear of infection -- is completely changing the lifestyle of Nathaniel Porter
PHEN Summit Session III: Treatment Disparities

Quoc-Dien Trinh, MD, FACS, 
Co-Director Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Prostate Cancer Program, Boston, MA
PHEN Summit Session III: Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatments

Mark Pomerantz, MD, Medical Oncology, Lank Center for Genitourinary Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA

Summit Session III: African American Treatment Outcomes with Equal Access

Brent S. Rose, MD,  Assistant Professor, University of California at San Diego, CA

Summit Session III: Empowering Patients with PHENPath.com (Coming Soon)

Mr. Thomas Farrington and Dr. Keith Crawford announce PHEN's new PHENPath.com tool that will be launched soon. 
Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials, Important Research and African American Patients Part 2

Dr. Christian Poehlein from Merck discuss Keytruda, Dr. Charles Ryan from Clovis, Dr. Bela Denes from Amgen and patient Mr. Euvon Jones and his wife discuss their experiences. 
Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials, Important Research and African American Patients Part 1

Clinical Trials and Diversity presentation by Dr. Andrew Coop from Pfizer, Respond study presentation by Dr. John Carpten from University of Southern California and patient Mr. Jimmy Barnes discusses his experiences.

Summit Session 1B: Prostate Cancer Survivors and Advocates Speak on COVID-19 Impact

Survivors and advocates provide their perspectives following the medical panel as part of session 1B of PHEN's 16th Annual Summit.
Summit Session 1A: Top Black Doctors Provide Perspectives on COVID-19 and The Prostate Cancer Disparity

Session 1 Part A: PHEN's "16th Annual African American Prostate Cancer Disparity Summit" features Dr. Edith Mitchell as co-moderator, Dr. Durado Brooks, Dr. J. Jacques Carter, Dr. Pamela Coleman, Dr. Curtis Pettaway, Dr. Walter Rayford, and Dr. Mack Roach.
New Treatments and Clinical Trials: The Use of Genetic Information to Attack Cancers

Dr. Keith Crawford, PHEN Director of Clinical Trials and Patient Education
Genetic Testing Can Impact Your Prostate Cancer Journey

Todd Cohen, MD, Vice President of Medical Affairs and Medical Director of Urology at Myriad Genetics
Why African American Prostate Cancer Is a Crisis Within the COVID-19 Crisis
By: Thomas A. Farrington, PHEN President and Founder
featured in June issue of "Future of Personal Health" as part of the "Prostate and Urological Health Campaign."
Celebrating 20 Years of Prostate Cancer Survivorship on July 4th, 2020

On July 4th, 2000 my wife Juarez and I boarded a plane in Boston, MA, launching our prostate cancer journey and changing our lives forever. My father's life was taken by prostate cancer on Christmas Eve 1999 at age 78. Three months later...

Inherited mutation linked to higher prostate cancer risk in African American families

A new study
 identifies an inherited genetic variant associated with higher risk of prostate 
 in men of African descent.
Recorded Webinar: Accelerating Efforts to Address the Prostate Cancer Racial Disparity

PHEN and its church partners discuss and outline strategies to enhance and accelerate efforts at the community level to address the prostate cancer disparity.
Dramatic drop in cancer diagnoses amid COVID pandemic is cause for concern, doctors say

Experts fear concerns over coronavirus has led to far too few screenings.

By Dr. Mark Abdelmalek and Lucien bruggeman

Recorded Webinar: How COVID-19 Is Impacting Prostate Cancer Early Detection and Treatment

A recording of PHEN's May 13th live webinar featuring prostate cancer medical specialists.
Cancer patients face high mortality from COVID-19

People with cancer who develop COVID-19 are much more likely to die from the disease than those without cancer
Special Prayers and Inspirational Messages For Cancer Survivors In The COVID-19 Storm

Patients and Caregivers Connecting During The COVID-19 Crisis

PHEN survey results of patients and caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic
The Coronavirus and Cancer Patients - A Special Video Presentation

PHEN's Director of Clinical Trials and Patient Education, Dr. Keith Crawford, outlines the increased risks that the coronavirus poses to cancer patients. An in-depth review for prostate cancer patients.
Daddy's Boys Stage Play Performances Postponed Due to COVID - 19

Updated information about the new scheduling of the Daddy's Boys stage play performances due to COVID - 19.

Regular exercise is important for good bone health.

It increases bone mass, makes bone stronger, maintains and improves muscle strength, coordination and balance. Thus reducing the risk of fractures from falls. 
A Small Number Of Men With Prostate Cancer Are 'Super Responders' to Immunotheraphy
Results from a new clinical trial have shown that some men with advanced prostate cancer can live for at least two more years on immunotherapy after exhausting all other treatment options...
Psychosocial Concerns Common After Prostate Cancer Treatment
Psychosocial problems that adversely affect quality of life are common among men after receiving treatment for prostate cancer, and they need help....
Men Over 40 With BRCA2 Mutations Must Get Prostate Cancer Screening, Experts Say
Researchers have called for immediate action to recommend screening for prostate cancer for men with BRCA2 mutations over the age of 40. 
Increasing Diversity in Clinical Trials

Clinical trials lead to the approval of new drugs.  A recent article reported that black enrollment is extremely low; limiting our understanding of how these drugs effect blacks...
One Two Punch could slow the spread of cancer

There is no one pathway, which controls prostate cancer growth, more clinical trials are being designed using more than one drug. This ONE TWO punch design could slow the spread of cancer. 
Guideline Released on Addressing Osteoporosis Risk With Non-metastatic Cancer

Cancer and therapies used to treat it may raise a patient’s risk of osteoporosis.
Enrollment Completed for Phase 3 Trial Testing Provenge in Prostate Cancer Patients on Active Surveillance
Dendreon Pharmaceuticals has completed patient enrollment ahead of schedule in an ongoing Phase 3 trial
PHEN ?Daddy?s Boys? Performance a Hit in Boston
Boston was the 14th city where the play has been performed and the audience numbered 500.
PHEN Hosts Workshop In Boston
PHEN hosted an educational workshop. Dr. J. Jacques Carter, Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital and Dr. Jairam Eswara from St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center were the presenters
Daddy's Boys Play Highlights Black Men and Prostate Cancer
PHEN President Thomas Farrington discusses how the play addresses the prostate cancer crisis among black men on Boston Network News Television (BNNT)
Congressman Gregory W. Meeks Presents at African-American Prostate Cancer Disparity Summit

Congressman Gregory W. Meeks presents at PHEN's Fifteenth Annual African-American Prostate Cancer Disparity Summit.

The African American Disparity - Biology or Access?

Daniel George MD (Duke) and Brandon Mahal MD (Dana-Farber) speak on unequal access to treatment and biological/genetic differences. 
Increasing African American Participation in Clinical Trials

Keith Crawford MD PhD (PHEN) and panelists discuss strategies towards increasing diversity in clinical trials enrollment.
New Developments in Prostate Cancer Treatment

Richard Lee MD PhD (Mass General) presents an update of the prostate cancer treatment paradigm with
An Initiative to Address Veterans Needs

Mr. Arnold J. Merriweather, a Vietnam Veteran, speaks on his efforts in Jacksonville, FL with veterans in the fight against prostate cancer. 
Erleada Approved for Metastatic Castration-Sensitive Prostate Cancer

The FDA has approved the supplemental New Drug Application for Erleada (apalutamide; Janssen) for the treatment of patients with Metastatic Castration-Sensitive Prostate Cancer.
PHEN Presents "Daddy's Boys" A Broadway-Style Stage Play at the John Hancock Hall Boston, MA

On Saturday, October 19, 2019, at 6 PM, PHEN is bringing "Daddy's Boys" to Boston. Get tickets here
Friday, Sept 13 Summit Program

The summit convened prostate cancer survivors and medical, community, industry and policy leaders to address issues towards eliminating the prostate cancer racial disparity.

Thursday, September 12 Summit Program

The summit convened prostate cancer survivors and medical, community, industry and policy leaders to address issues towards eliminating the prostate cancer racial disparity.

Body fat may predict aggressive prostate cancer

Excess weight not only raises your risk of prostate cancer, it can also mean more aggressive and fatal cancer.

Skeletal-Related Events Common After CRPC Development

Men with prostate cancer
have a 40% cumulative incidence of first skeletal-related events (SREs) following development of castration-resistant disease
Quality of Life Outcomes Comparable Regardless of Treatment With HRT or CRT for Low-Risk Prostate Cancer

Hypofractionated radiotherapy is noninferior to conventional radiotherapy for quality-of-life outcomes among men with low-risk prostate tumors.

Are fighter pilots at greater risk for prostate cancer? The Air Force is now asking

The Air Force has begun to look at whether there's increased risk for prostate cancer among its fighter pilots. A new investigation by McClatchy shows just how serious the problem may be.
August 14th Webcast: Prostate Cancer and the Impact on Bone Health

Guest Speaker: Keith Crawford, MD, PhD
Director of Clinical Trials and Patient Education

Jesse's Story

Jesse Penn's story highlights the importance of prostate cancer survivors knowing about their bone health.
Clinical Trials: Another Treatment Option for Patients - Thomas Farrington Interview with URO Today

PHEN President Tom Farrington talks to Dr. Alicia Morgans, Assoc. Professor of Medicine at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine on how to engage best with patients.  
FDA approves Bayer?s Nubeqa?, a new treatment for men with non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer

Nubeqa was approved under the FDA’s Priority Review designation; approval granted three months ahead of target FDA action date.

Highly Successful Daddy's Boys Stage Play in New Orleans, LA

PHEN presented the
“Daddy’s Boys" stage play on June 29th at the Southern University of New Orleans.
New BRCA Blue campaign educates about the link between BRCA gene mutations and cancer

Prostate Conditions Education Council in partnership with other leading prostate cancer advocacy organizations, announces the launch of the BRCA Blue Campaign.

Prostate Cancer ADT Raises Dementia Risk, Study Finds

Men who receive androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer are at increased risk for dementia, according to a new study.

Big Jump in Active Surveillance for Low-Risk Prostate Cancer

New findings show a dramatic increase in the number of men taking a conservative approach to low-risk prostate cancer.
Black Race Not Associated With Higher Prostate Cancer Death Risk

Black men with nonmetastatic prostate cancer do not appear to have worse survival than their white counterparts.

AME Church Bishops Partner With PHEN On Prostate Cancer Education

Bishops Harry Seawright and Adam J. Richardson, Jr. joined efforts with PHEN to expand prostate cancer outreach within their districts
Churches Are Supporting PHEN Efforts by Hosting Daddy's Boys Stage Play

Churches across the country are supporting PHEN efforts to raise prostate cancer education and awareness by hosting the Daddy's Boys stage play performances within their communities. 
Bethel AME Church Los Angeles to Host 6th Consecutive Symposium

Bethel AME Los Angeles continues its strong commitment towards education and awareness under the leadership of pastor Rev. Dr. Calloway who is also a member of the PHEN Network.
Biomarker Testing Needed Before African American Patients Choose Active Surveillance

Thomas Farrington, PHEN President, outlines why genomic biomarker testing is needed by African American patients before they choose active surveillance....
May 8th Webcast: Biomarker Testing Needed Before Making Treatment Decisions

Guest Speaker: Dr. Todd D. Cohen, Medical Director at Myriad Genetics

Evidence Supports Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy as a Standard of Care for Localized PC

Evidence supports stereotactic body radiotherapy — a highly precise radiation therapy delivered in shorter periods of time — as a standard treatment for people with localized prostate cancer.

Innovative Format is Key to Reaching & Educating African Americans About Prostate Cancer

The “Daddy’s Boys” stage play, presented on tour by PHEN, draws 1,000+ national attendees per performance.

Prostate cancer diagnoses, deaths decreasing worldwide

Prostate caner, one of the deadliest forms of cancer for men in the United States and worldwide, is on the decline.

African American Men Respond Better to Treatments For Advanced Prostate Cancer in Clinical Trials

New research shows that African American men who receive treatments for late-stage prostate cancer can live at least as long, or even longer than their Caucasian counterparts.

Better Survival for African-Americans with Metastatic Prostate Cancer

African-American men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer and no chemotherapy lived significantly longer than white men when treated with newer hormonal therapies.

Your Risk Of Prostate Cancer Just Dropped Precipitously, Here's Why

Most men diagnosed with Prostate Cancer don't die of the disease. 

Certain Factors Impact Treatment Selection in Advanced Prostate Cancer

A patient's race, income level, geographic area of residence, and whether mangement is conducted may influence the type of treatment administered.

PSA Testing Cuts Deaths, Shows Value of Long-Term Screening

A blood test measuring the levels of PSA cuts deaths from the disease by nearly 30%.

Xtandi Delays Disease Progression, Death in Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive PC Patients, Trial Shows

Xtandi Delays Disease Progression, Death in Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive PC Patients.
Newer mCRPC Drugs Led to Longer Survival in African American Patients

Newer mCRPC Drugs Led to Longer Survival in African American Patients.

More Men With Low-Risk Prostate Cancer Are Forgoing Treatment

More men with low-risk prostate cancer are forgoing treatment for active surveillance.

Comorbidities Adversely Linked to Cancer Trial Participation

For cancer patients, the presence of comorbidities is adversely linked to trial discussions, trial offers, and trial participation.
Finasteride shows long-term safety, efficacy for prostate cancer prevention

Finasteride safely and effectively prevented prostate cancer, despite previous findings that suggested the drug increased the risk for high-grade disease.
Black men with low-risk prostate cancer have higher mortality rate

Black men diagnosed with low-risk prostate cancer may have more aggressive forms of the disease than nonblack men with the same diagnosis.
January Webcast: Clifford D Gluck, MD, FACS

Dr. Clifford Gluck presents webinar on the Treatmen of Stress Urinary Incontinence and Rejuvenation of Erectile Function.
PHEN Introduces Find Your Trial (FYT) Search Tool

Dr. Arash Eshraghi presents the FYT
 search tool to help those diagnosed with prostate cancer find clinical trials based on their prostate cancer stage
PHEN Kicks-Off 2019 Tour to Sold Out Shows

PHEN brought the acclaimed Broadway-style stage play "Daddy's Boys" to Riverside EpiCenter in Atlanta GA on Saturday, January 12.
Daddy's Boys Feedback and Comments

Read what audience members feedback and comments were from the Riverside Epicenter in Atlanta GA on January 12 said. 
Dec 12th Webcast: Celebrating the Blessings of Church Partnerships

Pressentations by Rev. Adrian Backus (PHEN) and Rev. Joseph Deck (Reid Temple AME Church, MD)
November Webcast: Understanding Progression of Prostate Cancer

David Russell, MD from Pfizer US Medical Affairs
Gleason 6 Prostate Cancer More Lethal in Black Men

Black men are more likely than white men to die from Gleason 6 (low-risk) prostate cancer, according to investigators.

PHEN Receives Healthy Churches 2020 Best Practices Award

PHEN Honored by The Balm in Gilead with Healthy Churches 2020 Best Practice Award
Prostate Cancer Linked to Greater Fat, Fatty Acid Intake

Greater intake of some fatty acids is associated with a higher risk of prostate cancer 
Barriers to Prostate Cancer Research in Black Men Identified

Investigators identified genomic testing barriers including a lack of terminology understanding, health care system mistrust, and other factors.

Clinical Trials e-Newsletter October

RESPOND Study, Darolutamide and Rubraca
Dr. Artie Shelton Speaks to Men and Women Groups in Alexandria, VA
Dr. Artie Shelton spoke at the Bethlehem Baptist Church Annual Men's and Women's Day in Alexandria, VA.
October Webcast: Advances in Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer

Guest Presenter: Peter F Orio III, DO, MS
Boosting African American participation in prostate cancer clinical trials
Article featured in ChangeTogether.com highlights PHEN efforts to increase African American participation in prostate cancer clinical trials.
PHEN successfully Launches Social Media Initiative at Annual Summit

More than 8,000 viewers tuned into the 14th Annual Summit as PHEN launched new Social Media Initiative with church partners.

Clinical Trials e-Newsletter for July

Clinical Trials For New Classes of Drugs in the Fight Against Prostate Cancer
Study On Aggressive Prostate Cancer In African-American Men Launched
A coordinated research effort to study biological and non-biological factors associated with aggressive prostate cancer in African-American men
PHEN?s 10th Annual Father?s Day Rally Grows and Expands National Outreach

PHEN is proud to present the "10th Annual Father's Day Rally Against Prostate Cancer" on Father’s Day, June 17th, 2018..

The Connection Between Genetics and Prostate Cancer Focusing On BRACA Gene Mutations
June 13th webcast presentation by Karen Copeland, MS, MBA, Certified Genetic Counselor with Myriad Genetics Laboratory, Urology Department.
Blacks With Advanced Prostate Cancer May Fare Better Than Whites
"study underscores the importance of increasing the participation of racial minorities in clinical trials..."
PHEN Entertains & Educates with ?Daddy?s Boys? Stage Play

PHEN presented “Daddy’s Boys" stage play on May 12 at Reid Temple AME Church in Glenn Dale, MD before an audience 1,000 plus.  It was exciting & a highly successful community based prostate cancer education & awareness event.

Diet, Exercise With Behavioral Counseling Can Reduce ADT Side Effects

A personalized exercise and diet intervention can lead to clinical improvement.

BRCA Mutations Up Risk for Prostate Cancer

Males with BRCA mutations have increased incidence of malignant disease.

Daddy?s Boys ? a new play tackling prostate cancer disparity in African-American men

Astellas Pharma highlights PHEN's "infotainment" initiative in its Change Together online portal
Prostate Cancer: ADT Plus Docetaxel May Improve 12-Month Quality of Life

Androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) with docetaxel may improve quality of life (QoL) at 12 months among patients with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer

Xtandi Reduces Risk of Metastasis in Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer

Treatment with Xtandi (enzalutamide) reduced the risk of metastasis or death in castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) patients whose cancer has not yet spread beyond the prostate.

Patients should "Ask-In" on clinical trials participation

African American participation in prostate cancer clinical trials must move from 3-5% range to 10-12% range to determine the effectiveness of new treatments.

Two new treatments have been found for prostate cancer patients who previously had no effective treatment options

Clinical trials have found that Enzalutamide and Apalutamide are both able to significantly delay prostate cancer progression in men with non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. 
Survivor Network Spotlight - Raymond Fuller, Jr.

During a regular check-up in 2008, Ray Fuller was diagnosed with prostate cancer.  There was no family history of the disease, he said, it “just popped up.”

How dietary fat helps prostate cancer to spread

New research demonstrates how the fat contained within the Western diet, in combination with genetic factors, can cause prostate cancer tumors to spread.

Survivor Network Spotlight - Robbie Robinson

There is no good time to get such news, but it was particularly jarring when Robbie Robinson was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2002.  

Turmeric, red grape, and apple compounds 'starve' prostate cancer cells

According to a new study, turmeric, apples and grapes could hold key to preventing and treating one of the most common cancers.

Mediterranean Diet Best for Lowering Aggressive Prostate Cancer Risk

Simply consuming fruits, vegetables, and whole grains might not sufficiently protect men from aggressive prostate cancer. (PCa)

Smaller Difference in Prostate Cancer Death Risk Found

New research shows that prostate cancer (PCa) mortality risk is lower after radical prostatectomy compared with radiotherapy, but the difference in risk is much smaller than found in previous studies.

Blood Test Performs as Well as Tissue Biopsy in Characterizing Prostate Cancer, Study Finds

A blood test may one day replace tumor tissue sampling for patients with prostate cancer.

Shorter but Higher-dose Radiation Course Cuts Risk of Prostate Cancer Returning

Delivering radiation in a shorter time frame significantly reduced the chance of prostate cancer returning in men with an intermediate-risk form of the disease, a study found

Xtandi Does Not Increase Seizure Rates in At-Risk Metastatic Prostate Cancer Patients

Safety study into treatment of mCRPC patients with Xtandi found therapy does not increase seizure rates.

Preference for preserving sexual function not strongly reflected in treatment choices

In a survey of nearly 1,200 men who have prostate cancer, more than half indicated that preserving sexual function was "very important" to them.

How African-American Men Can Beat the Odds Against Prostate Cancer

"The incidence of prostate cancer is over 60 percent higher in African-American men compared to white men, and in terms of mortality, it's 150 percent higher," says Thomas Farrington.

Radiotherapy or Prostatectomy?

Quality of Life is better after modern radiotherapy compared with surgery according to recent studies.

Surgery vs Radiation for High-Risk Prostate Cancer

High-risk prostate cancer (PCa) is well defined, but opinions vary on whether radical prostatectomy or radiation therapy is the best treatment approach.

Connecting the dots between weight loss and prostate cancer

U.S. veterans help shed light on link between dropping pounds and slowing progression of the disease

2017 African American Prostate Cancer Disparity Summit Videos

All presentations from PHEN's 2017 Summit program are available via videos...

PHEN President & Founder Received an Award from Congressman Gregory Meeks (NY)

Thomas A. Farrington, was presented with the Congressional Black Caucus Leadership Award by Congressman Gregory Meeks (NY) at PHEN's 13th Annual Summit. 

Common factors that could change your PSA test results

How the test works and why different factors such as prescription medications and infections can change your PSA test results.

SpaceOAR Protects Surrounding Prostate Tissues

Augmenix's SpaceOAR System can effectively protect the rectum of prostate cancer patients undergoing high dose stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT).

2017 African American Prostate Cancer Disparity Summit was a success

In September at the 2017 African American Prostate Cancer Disparity Summit, Gary L. Taylor, M.D., the Medical Director for PHEN's Clinical Trials Rally updated everyone on the successful first phase of the Clinical Trials Rally and had several prestigious speakers talk about the importance of continuing the commitment of the Clinical Trials Rally

PHEN Expands National Educational Outreach

With twelve symposiums in nine states completed from April through June, and another 13 scheduled through November, the Prostate Health Education Network (PHEN) is taking its educational efforts to greater heights. 

Our Journey to Establish Prostate SBRT as a Standard of Care

SBRT is a unique modality of radiation treatment. Typically, radiation therapy is delivered in many small doses called fractions (often 40 or more), but studies have been created to explore the possibility of delivering radiation in fewer...

Significance of Prostate Cancer Treatment-Related Factors Differ in Black, White Men

African American men appear to be more likely to consider economic factors in their decsion-making.

BBN News Interview: Thomas A Farrington Discuss PHEN 2017 Symposium and Father's Day Rally
Emotionally Distressed Prostate Cancer Patients May Ask for Overly Aggressive Therapy
African Americans at Higher Risk of Metastatic Prostate Cancer

African American men have a higher incidence of preclinical prostate cancer and are more likely to progress to metastatic disease.

Prostate Cancer's Aggressive Nature in Black Americans Suggests Need for More Personalized Screening

The higher rates at which black men are dying of prostate cancer may be linked to faster disease progression, according to a new study. 

Overall Health Worse in African American Men Undergoing Active Surveillance For Prostate Cancer

Active surveillance is an alternative strategy to undergoing surgery or radiation for men with low-grade prostate cancer...

The PHEN Network In Action Spotlight: Bishop Bob Jackson

Bishop Bob Jackson is a prostate cancer survivor and
senior pastor at "Act Full Gospel church of God In Christ" in Oakland, CA

Bishop Jackson's Ongoing Impact On Prostate Health In Oakland
By: Michael Shaw, Director of the Alameda County, CA (Oakland) Office of Urban Male Health
Summit Session IV: Community and Outreach Engagement

This session examines the role and importance of community outreach and engagement towards eliminating the prostate cancer racial disparity. Initiatives that have proven effective will be examined and discussed to understand the key elements that made them successful with the objective of identifying models that can be expanded and replicated.

Symposium in Miami on Saturday, October 28

PHEN will host a prostate health educational symposium at Morning Star Baptist Church beginning at 9 am. Free prostate cancer screening and includes lunch.

Task Force Comments
PHEN Comments on USPSTF PSA Screening Recommendation
June 2017 Webcast PPT
Welcome to PHENPSA.com - PHEN's Early Detection Patient Education Portal

Introducing Dr. PSA with information to guide you about prostate cancer early detection screening for african american men. 


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